Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas is Coming...

It is a busy week! Please take note of everything that is happening!

We will be skating on Wednesday afternoon from 1:45 to 2:45pm. Any parent volunteers would be appreciated. Kids are encouraged to bring skates and helmets.

Thursday is Speakers Club! Please come prepared so our day is a success!

Thursday is also our student teacher Miss Gentile's last day. We will be so sad to see her go.

Our next Science Test will be on Wed. Dec. 21st. Students will be bringing home their science duotangs and a study guide. Please help them to study for this. A little bit each night helps!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Introducing Nikki's Bright Minds Library!

Today we unveiled our new lending library at Nicholas Sheran... and it looks amazing!